Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Drive Back

Battlefield Burningman

Buddy and Alan...very mysterious.

Blauvelt and T.G...Knuckleheads

Ike incognito. This guy got kicked out of the bar and came back in this get up. wig and all.

VERY convincing. Sara Dale not buying it.

Jovita Carpenter, lovely as always.

Chris Blauvelt! Happy Birthday old man.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

cinnamon girl

arianna. pure magic this girl.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


walking home from panty raid
so many crunchy leaves on the ground
took me back to when i was 13 years old
it would take me an hour to walk home two blocks from my jr. high
because i had to step on every crunchy leaf.
obsessive maybe. but it was more cathardic.
i never looked up. just down, zig zaging through the sidewalk
picking which leaves to stomp, which to leave.
never thinking about how i had no friends
how everybody hated me
how i hated myself
how my parents never talked to me
except when they were yelling
how i was stuck, i didn't want to die
but i certainly didn't want to live my stupid life...
none of it. just leaves, the sounds they made.
during the next few years i will have picked up
a few more ticks and loose them again.
except for the sniffling... that's the only one that stayed.

nowhere girl

man where was my camera today?
tiny hobos doing cartwheels across a crosswalk, hand painted anti abortion mobile (ford taurus wagon with "let the little stinker live" across the back sandwiched by a couple of fetus'), skeletons of cars heaped atop one another...

ran around downtown doing production chores with nathan.
to show him all the spots for when he takes over production.
laughed A LOT.
drove around singing flesh for lulu and gene loves jezebel songs,
flock of and cure songs over shabu shabu. nerdy? sure. but it felt really good.
oh, and after shabu shabu, as i'm driving, nathan gets up and points his ass out the window
and farts.
class act that one. i nearly crashed.

then to the bone yard for car windows. i felt like a john the way all these dudes were flagging me down once they saw my "custom" window, a plastic garment bag held on with packing tape. realized we were both currently obsessed with the same awful song (rihanna, s.o.s.) and deemed it our summer 06 song.

then met up with baby earl for a movie, bad food, and good conversation.
art school confidential...meh. kind of funny.

the industrial part of downtown is really beautiful. maybe because it is completely foreign to me? to most. forgotten. the la river. i want to explore it more.

Friday, May 26, 2006





the beautiful arianna pistilli

Jason McCormick lives in my heart. He told me he was gonna be in Palm Springs and I was outside smoking missing him and wishing that he was there and when I came in, There he was! I was so happy I screamed.

Henry offered me a knuckle sandwhich.

Dave Young and Kevin Willis, sweet dudes that they are offered me TWO!

Monday, May 22, 2006

decades II

R- E- B- A... Grant and Chad Brown. These two tall drinks of water made my ears happy all night.

Grant Krajecki, Arianna Pistilli. Two of my favorite people. We've bailed each other out in many a pinch.

aaayyyyy it's these guys. Mike Semple, Jenny Cho, and buddy.

The ever lovely Maus.

man, i love jenny... blush.

50,000 cops...man...There were more cops than kids!

end of the night...xoxo, jovita/suzy

random sweet memory

we met for ice cream, he had my phone number scribbled on his fore arm.
when we went to the cemetary, it was still there.
he had my phone number written on his arm for three days...

Thursday, May 18, 2006


25¢. no refunds.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

we are like ghosts

what a looker. i love nathan, his pig nose and his big heart.

however, i hate this face. i can't handle it and he knows it.

the ever elusive elijiah

elijiah reminds me of the rebel poet character in peggy sue got married.

jesspeleta schooled us on nilsson.


i am feeling super emo tonight and in love with the people and the world around me.
don't get it twisted.
well, one thing is making me feel bad. this guy asked me why i'm so serious and if he could see me smile. I told him it's because my mom just died. i don't know why i said that. then he said that he recently lost a few people. that made me feel like a real asshole and wonder why i can't just be nice.
i think he might have been hitting on me, but still.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

liars beware

today was good. had heart to hearts over burritos. moved salami's stuff. got some production stuff squared away.
oh and most exciting, bought myself a birthday camera. i really really love this thing. off to work...

the mighty jake manny. i miss this guy.

some cha cha family portraits.

who says we don't smile. the thing is, i remember thinking i was being 'pleasant' in this photo. suppose it's time to re-examine my emotions. you know, get to the real me.

jed and matt to the rescue. these two majorly helped joves and me out today, moving all of solana's shit. (love you salami)

matt doing 'john kerry face' while the world around him burns to ashes

the lovely miss jovita aka snags.
come to our birthday party! sunday may 21 @ the chach. 9p-2a. we love kisses.