Sunday, April 30, 2006

pirate love

i miss you

everytime you leave

Friday, April 28, 2006

peach, plum, pear

i am blue

and unwell.

also, everybody hates Jeff.
i'm stuck.

head bangers ball

just got home from the Big Business show and they killed.
They come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows.
You might be screaming “No, no, no” and all they hear is “Who wants cake.”
They were awesome. They are a force to be reckoned with.
Coady is a manimal and Jared, well I have to admit that as he was screaming super tuff, all I could focus on was his dimple that would show up every so often and then I would just imagine how cute it must be when he smiles.
sorry dude, but it's adorable.
I was one of four, maybe six girls at the show.
the rest, long hairs. i haven't seen this much man mane in a long time.
i don't have any pictures because i left my phone at earl stones
when we ate ice cream and watched top chef.
on my way home from the show i heard a coyote wail.
it sounded crazy, i pulled over to the empty lot it was in
because i thought it was a dog dying.
it hopped the fence and ran off into the night.
nite nite little coyote,

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

your heart is pinned to my sleeve

i can't wait for tomorrow.

ain't it fun

tonight was fun. it was.
I started out really lonely and hollow feeling, the way a too dark bar with too loud music will do.
and prayed it would be busy because i felt so sad that it felt like i was moving through mud.
but nothing a game of 'would you rather' with a couple of charming, gum chewing perverts couldn't cure.
i learned that nothing ever trumps man tits as the least desired of the rathers. not even a great big, long and square lady ass.

ooooohhh Uncle 'lijiah

lasagna: who forced me into playing the entire pink floyd 'wish you were here' album, but at the end i was glad we did.

right now i just feel really overwhelmed.
i have to finish these cuts and get them to angel in 6 hours and I still have a good 3 hours to finish.
i feel like i should do them now because i am afraid that if i sleep, i won't wake up. ever.
but at 3:30am after a full day/night of working i am exhausted.
not all the time, but sometimes, i feel like i am living in a house of cards and it is all i can do everyday to keep my entire world from falling down on me.
and i'm not complaining. this is what i choose. this is what i want. and when i get it, i will own it and it will feel amazing because it was hard earned, but sometimes, it's a bit overwhelming.
ah fuck what am i complaining about. there are a lot of people out there who have it a lot harder.
i am lucky i have a chance.
and i am grateful.
sweet dreams.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

they're going to the chapel

and they're gonna to get ma-a-a-rieed.

your head is in my hands

Today was great.
really great.
(First off I'd like to apologize for the shitty phonetographs, especially in a dark bar. I'll get a real camera soon.)

Jeff , formally known as Papi, here on known as 'Jeff', and I went for a hike
("Etouffee" didn't really catch on like I had hoped it would)

Jeff climed a rock and was crowned king.

This is Jeff pooped and all tuckered out.

Did a mountain of laundry, made pasta with a vegan 'meat' sauce (but i threw in a piece of bacon later. tee hee)
drank my first 'black coke', and had heartfelt conversations.

Then off to the CaCa for a face off with Coady Willis

Coady brought in some records. x-ray specs! what fun. i got super excited to play minor threat only because i haven't heard it in a million years. i don't think i ever noticed how metal 'out of step' is. hmmmm.
I got to listen to that PiL album again. yay. but my doo wop mix got nixed, however my 'please leave' mix featuring Rockapella was a great hit. so bad.

Parrot Head Andy Coronado

It's really too bad you can't see his tropical themed shirt, but with dragons. It's a gem. In fact it looks as if he isn't wearing a shirt at all. Mount Gay.

Oh Dirt Reynolds, you scoundrel!

I didn't get a picture of the 800 pound man who kept trying to talk to me and anyone who'd listen about his giant tribal tattoo on his upper arm.
Me: that'll be $6.50
Giant: (lifting up sleeve) See this? 16 HOURS!
Me: um, that's $6.50
Me: wow, ok, that's $6.50
Me: mmmmm.

It is 3.30am and i have to get up in 2 hours to finish up some cuts before i meet Angel, my sewer at 10. In an alley.
If something went down, I really wouldn't know how to get a hold of him, besides his cellphone. Various alley ways and Jack'n'theBox parking lots is where we do our business. Really Angel, we've got to stop meeting like this.

Then...Lunch with the folks. yikes. I guarantee a total of no more than 10 words will be exchanged during our meal.

xo sweetdreams,

Sunday, April 23, 2006

bad baby aka intro to my brain

hi. i think i should have a diary.
or something. i've been feeling really weird and a bit blue lately
so i guess it's good to journal these times?
i think i always feel this way when i am shedding some skin and growing into something new.
it's funny cause it's a constant process. i mean, it never stops. good though, i'm glad.
i think i might die if i woke up one day completely satisfied. how foreign.
i just got home from the cha cha.
it was pretty uneventful as it always is on sundays.
however i did rediscover PiL today.
I always thought I hated them and I still do not like their later stuff
but "Paris in the Spring" is my new favorite record. that's exciting.
right now i feel hopeful, although like running.
i always feel like running.
i went for it and started my line and it's good.
better than i expected.
i made 3 samples in december, went to two stores, one in nyc and one in la, both stores bought the whole line.
from that, i got to show at la fashion week,

good reviews, more accounts.
it's the begining of everything i ever wanted.
so why the heavy heart?
it's better now though. right after my show i was super blue for like a month and i am just starting to feel like myself again.
i am however really excited about printing some of my boner pics onto shirts.
although i don't know how well they'll do.
but i would TOTALLY buy a shirt that had bunnies with chainsaws in a boner forest. (thanks coady). i am also really into little animals, like little stabby , with a real fuck you attitude.
until i get a real camera, phonetographs will have to do.
anyway, nice to meet you.