Saturday, September 16, 2006

dog whispers

field trip to my parents desert house with oprah and beyonce

my mom gave them a piece of salmon. after that they followed her wherever she went.

my mom also couldn't remember 'rufus' and kept calling him 'recipe'. then i would correct her and she would say, "ahhhh rupees-ah".

then i went to go hang out with big baby bolo while his dad was away.

look how sad he looks. i kept him busy with yip yaps and buddy biscuits to make up for the fact that i was not his dad.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

labor day. you're crazy. i love you.

meet eli.

eli is timmy dow's adorable and hilarious son.
he told me he loved me.
he also told me i was crazy.

then eli had cake and and went into fast fwrd.

garbers birthday cake that babyman nathan made.

liberty's fancy ass phone

a great bbq. it's always always always great to see nathan.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

howdy doody

if you've been in my truck then you've probably seen the little black cowboy hat that hangs from the rear view window.
when my dog is in my truck he likes to get up on the dash and look out the window.
if you look at him at the right angle, it totally looks like he is wearing this tiny cowboy hat.
it kills me evertime. really
it is so funny.

bffs for real

I got to have dinner with some really close friends whom I have not connected with in a long time and it felt good.
kathy and drew are pregnant, richie and shinobu are getting married in november!
i met richie in the dorms in college. he lived upstairs from me and the first time we met was in the common kitchen upstairs.
i couldnt' sleep and was eating ramen and he was putting acid on sugar cubes.
we've been like family ever since and he means the world to me.
congratulations richie!

jenny cho and mike semple.
they just bought a house in highland park, real close to my studio.
i hope that means i'll get to see them more often.
jenny is my unnee and i love her.

my oldest road dog, kevin.
we've know each other for 12 years now?
and best friends for most of them, with a few bumps in the road here and there.
i'm glad he's back in my life.
i know him real well and still love him all the way.

steven murashige.
steven just directed a commercial in mexico city and got to pet a baby tiger.

I'm so lucky to have them in my life. My heart swells with pride to know them.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

you winkin' at me?

This is Szeby choo choo. He is my second favorite dog in the world.

This of course is Papi, my fourth, i mean first favorite dog in the world.