Thursday, January 10, 2008

who am i

i am totally in love with yo-yo ma.
i've just heard his music for the first time and i nearly cried.
it's so beautiful i cant stand it.
then i listened to his colabo with, eek, bobby mcferrin and i smiled at how cute the two are and imagined an odd couple type relationship. the uptight yo-yo ma and that unpredictable bobby. oh the hijinx. but you bring the two together and , oh you get the picture.

i am not exactly sure the kind of person i am turning into these days, wearing white keds and driving a mini van with a short hairdo. i am totally momming out and loving it. jeez what's next, manhattan transfer?
I also downloaded the Tord Gustaven Trio and i like it even if it's kinda starbucksy. if anyone has any suggestions on good classical and jazz albums to get please please let me know as this is an area i am almost totally ignorant to.
I have grown tired of most of the 50 gigs of music in my library and am really hungry for something new (to me) and stimulating.
Different note, Travis took me to Disneyland last week, more pictures to come.

ok this shit is really hilarious. you will LOL for real.

p.s. this is NOT what i am hungry for and not what i downloaded, but it is funny

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